Charity and music Guru Bob Gelfof has lost his marbles again and announced that there is to be yet another charity shindig in the summer, this time for the benefit of his latest cause.
Bob, who is a Pork Pie Short of a Picnic, said Dead Aid 2005 is to be held on the rooftop of one of the World Trade Centre buildings in New York and concurrently on the Hindenburg as it circles over Atlantis.
All funds raised are to go to the Florence Nightingale Fund, something that Bob has established after seeing a film starring Dame Anna Neagle. Alfred Hitchcock is Patron.
“Basically Dead Aid is the same as Live Aid. We do have some performers who were in Live Aid offering their services. Elvis Presley is headlining things in the States and the other venue, on the Hindenburg is to have stars such as John Lennon and Freddie Mercury. Glen Miller has been approached but has expressed concern the airship will take off in fog.” Added Urine.