My dad is the strong, silent type. He never says much, he just sort of watches the world and makes comments every so often. Even if you ask him questions directly, he doesn't have much to say. He's a great listener though and I always knew that he loved me.
My dad's father was a mechanic, and he loves to tinker with cars, a hobby he passed on to me. One day when I was in high school, we were changing the oil on his truck and a couple of missionaries came to the house. They came around to the truck and one introduced himself. My father wiped his hands, introduced himself and said "Hello,". The missionary asked my dad if he'd been to church that day and Dad said "No," since he doesn't believe in God. So the missionary says, "Well, Mr. Butterfly, what do you believe in?" and my dad kind of thought for a moment and he gave the longest speech I have ever heard him give on the subject.
"Well, I believe that the earth is an experiment by space aliens who wanted to set up there own little world for whatever reason. They're kind of keeping an eye on us to see what we do and every so often they interfere with things here, like when the dinosaurs died. But they don't have much to do with everyday folks like me, and I'd feel kind of stupid praying to some alien and it wouldn't do any good anyway. But if it makes other folks feel better, well, I guess that's okay,"
The missionary took a long look at my dad and said, "Well, have a nice Sunday Mr. Butterfly," and left.