we have dumped at great profit to Fascist corporations, over 1000 tons of depleted uranium in Iraq.
Depleted Uranium can still be causing birth defects when our sun dies and becomes a Red Dwarf and expands beyond the orbit of Jupitor..
please be warned of the graphic photos of Birth defects that Bu$h is totally responsible for in Iraq.. presently at about 116 to 214 pr 100,000.. more if you consider the absence of health care there now.
take a deep breath and type in 'Depleted Uranium Birth Defects'
there is one site with a few pictures not as bad as many, but still horrific. be warned..they are terrible and heart breaking.. but every American who supports the war should see them every day..
http://www.the7thfire.com/Politics%20and%20History/Depleted-Uranium.htmour soldiers are coming home contaminated and genetically damaged and having these birth defects also..
DRUM BEAT..Bu$h is to Blame..Bu$h is to Blame..Bu$h is to Blame..!!