Had a severely bipolar boss who insisted that everyone in her division attend "The Forum" - most did. She basically said she couldn't work with me unless I signed up for it, and I told her that a client had once blackmailed me into going to an "est" training introduction, I said it was brainwashing, plus I didn't appreciate the cult-like hard sell that followed (calling me at home months later, pushing hundreds of dollars worth of classes.)
Don't know whether it was the use of the word "cultlike" or "brainwashing", neither a good word choice to use with someone who could fire me, but she went batshit (I have legal recording equipment on my phone, but it didn't occur to me to tape her, which would have made my case to management), screamed and carried on, threatened me, and then wrote up a lot of nonsense about how she had only "suggested" The Forum, and that I had refused without giving it any consideration. I got fired from the company the next week.
I recently ran into one of her other victims, and she listed all the employees she had pulled the same shit with (except that all of them DID go through The Forum).
I have a strong aversion to anything where they "break you down and build you back up". In high school, my CCD class (religion class for public-schooled Catholics) was hijacked by evangelicals who sponsored a weekend retreat where we were lectured for 4-5 hours at a stretch, deprived of food & sleep, aggressively challenged, and then asked us to declare our lives for Christ on the last day. I was the ONLY ONE in the group of 12 who didn't find Jesus as my Personal Savior and subsequently leave the Catholic Church for an Evangelical congregation. My parents didn't believe me until their friends kids started going leaving the Catholic Church, after which they contacted the parish priests about what had happened, but it was too late.