Without Internet service at my home, I am unable to keep up on the latest. Keep the pressure on these * thugs, OK? I really shouldn't be on here as much as I am anyway...it's bad for my outlook, I think. Probably I should just pick one thing each day to get upset about, fire off a letter or some money to the right people and forget about it. Actually doing something besides bitching is more productive anyway. I "do" things, but probably not as often as I should.
OK, I'm giving myself a break because I have health issues...still doing that "recovery" thing, after all, and I have other health issues besides.
Anyway, keep it going. When the abuse (torture) pics come out, raise a ruckus. I'm not looking forward to seeing them...bet you ain't either. Ugh. Stupid fuckin' Republitards.
That is all.