The Great Wall, been there, seen it, done that, now jet lagged
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Tue Jun-28-05 04:39 AM
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The Great Wall, been there, seen it, done that, now jet lagged |
Both of us were wide awake at 3:30 am local. At 4:30 I now have cooked an American style breakfast, washed up, and completed two loads of laundry, and read my favorite news-sites.
It's gonna be a long day.
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Tue Jun-28-05 04:42 AM
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1. When I got back, I spent most of the next day sleeping... |
and was fine after that. Good luck.
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Tue Jun-28-05 04:49 AM
Response to Reply #1 |
3. I wonder if a person's ability to shift their bioryhthm is age dependent |
I don't remember being so temporally disoriented from other trips, but then it's been 30 years since I've experienced an 11 hour time change.
On the outbound side the tour kept us busy and distracted.
What's Jeff doing up at this hour?
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Tue Jun-28-05 05:00 AM
Response to Reply #3 |
6. I'm normally up at this time... |
I leave for work by 7:00am (EST) to drop my daughter off with my mom.
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Tue Jun-28-05 04:47 AM
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2. Jet lag from Asia is a pisser. |
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Tue Jun-28-05 04:52 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
4. Well, at present it is certainly an "eye opener" |
What will I ever do if don't overcome this and become an early morning person?
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Tue Jun-28-05 04:59 AM
Response to Reply #4 |
5. LOL! Well, we always have room for another night owl. :-) |
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:32 AM
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