Edited on Wed Jun-29-05 06:39 PM by Jamastiene
Is it perchance in your car and is your car one of those that leaks water onto the floorboard (sounds like the car is pissing every time I turn a corner, which is not good when you have to pee and you hear that, btw...) when you turn the corner???
Mine is. It's driving me nuts. I have sucked the water out of that little rubber thingy and just about done everything I can think of including mopping the floorboard of the car, which isn't easy with all that wet stinky carpet. I need to get it fixed. I hate paying for things. I will try try again and maybe blow the water out, if only I can get it to go outside the car instead of on the floorboard and my expensive textbooks from college. Not a good thing to have happen. Why oh why didn't sucking the water out work? Uhm, sorry to go on and one about it, but I read central unit and thought about air conditioning/heating. BTW, my home A/C is an electric one and it's made by Coleman, the sleeping bag/camping equipment people. Seems to work great so far, but maybe I souldn't say that, because it too will start working wrong or pissing on me.