For my 1000th post I have this to say.....
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Wed Jun-29-05 09:52 PM
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For my 1000th post I have this to say..... |
Nothing. :shrug:
Maybe over the next year I will think of something worthy....
Until then, I will continue to enjoy many of comments I read here and in GD. Though GD is bad for my blood pressure, as are speeches by the POTUS.... but I digress. Also notice I said "many" not "all" :)
Oh well.... WTF..... might as well..... OK..."Ask me anything"
(1000+ posts)
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Wed Jun-29-05 09:55 PM
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1. Congrats one the 1,000! |
I have nothing to ask, but I just wanted to say congrats.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:34 AM
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