I was speaking with my mother (who is fairly liberal I might add) about the 10 commandments case the other day. She said something that really bugged me. She said "I really don't care whether the 10 commandments can be placed somewhere or not. We have more important things to worry about, like the Patriot Act abuses or Detainee torture." And while I agreed with her that these issues might be more pressing at this moment, I had to disagree with her premise.
To me, the Bill of Rights is non-negotiable. There is no heirarchy of importance. There is no rank. To think so is very dangerous, especially considering those in power. If we neglect any one of our precious civil liberties, that one will be the first to go. Then what? Because when we've succumbed and allowed State Endorsed Religion, what other Right takes it's place as the least important; perhaps Jury Trials or Access to an Attorney? My point is, we must fight tooth and nail for EVERY liberty we've been afforded, whether it be Speech, Religion, Due Process or Search and Seizure. They're all so very important.
I know I'm ranting, but I had to get it out. Sorry.