Edited on Fri Jul-08-05 04:16 PM by stpalm
(stpalm.blogspot.com) ATTACK of the semi-coherent morons! Well, I made that post down there about Bush. I didn't want this blog to be solely focused on politics, but one more won't hurt. I got some really good comments, and here they are, accompnyed by by hilarious, witty, and amazing rebuttals.
At 12:05 PM, Anonymous said…
Another DUmb-ass ranting online.
Wow, you put "DU" in "dumb". Very witty. Congratulations.
At 12:17 PM, Anonymous said…
Bush sucks waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Holy SHIT. You totally bitch-slapped me with that one. Democrats are all whiny, complaining bastards, and you sure succinctly summed it up with that clever phrase! I congratulate you on your impressive wordsmithery.
At 12:23 PM, Anonymous said…
Wow a "hate-Bush" site. Aren't you just a little entrepreneur. Better get a patent on it before someone steals your idea. My guess is that you'll soon be a future drain on society. mom & dad must be so proud.
Yeah, in your eyes I probably will be a future drain on society, because I want to be a journalist!
At 12:56 PM, Anonymous said…
You and reality have not been on speaking terms as of late, have you?
Like other Denizens Of The Monkey House, all its seems you know how do is fling shit from the cage.
People on the Left have had no original ideas since 1969.
I'm waiting to see the article that tells everyone how the Terrrorists didn't set off the bombs in London...and even if they did, they were justified.
Pal, as far as I can see, you're just Left-wing ding-dong that has spent years making his brain reality proof.
I'm going to give you the talking to that you've avoided for years by hiding in the echo chamber of DU. This the only possible means of one goofs what I really think ( I just wish this was MoPaul, or Plaid Adder I was talking to).
This might leave scars.
First, the election. You lost. And was because of cheating on any bodies part. You lost because of two things; First, you treated the American people like badly. You insulted them, you were condesending towards them. The American people don't vote for some one when they shit on them.
Second, they were not going to vote for some one is pro-terrorists ( that's you).
Now for this terrorism thing.
I got news for you genuis, the terrorist don't think just like you do...unless of course you think that Jews and Homosexuals should be put to death, that woman should have less rights then a dog and all art should be destroyed, music banned and books burned.
Islamic fascists do not believe in woman's rights, gay marrige or saving the environment. The only thing you seem to have in common with them is your hate for GW Bush and America.
The Terrorists would take great joy in cutting your head off, and you would be stupid enough to give them the sword. They want you dead..can't you get that!?
It was bad enough that you supported Saddam with his torture chambers, "wood" chippers. BTW there were WMD in Iraq. They were Saddam, his goons and his bastard sons who killed over a million people.
Hoped you enjoyed our little talk, don't forget to share this with your friends.
You can find me on Conservative Underground if you want to talk. Can't do on it on DU, freedom of speech ( and thought) doesn't seem to dwell there.
Love, Dan D.
I'm not fucking reading all this.
At 1:23 PM, Anonymous said…
So, what's your Vast Right Wing Conspiracy operative ID number?
I mean, spewing shit like this is what's going to keep the Democrats out of power for decades (if they ever return at all). Thanks. You make Karl Rove proud.
Yeah, because my blog is so influental and powerful- I know that the general public loves it!
At 2:02 PM, Anonymous said…
Every clear-thinking independent sees drivel like this and is turned off by it. If you try to put your thoughts together in a coherant way, maybe you can make moderates vote Democrat. But this incessant howling at the wind may not endear moderates to the Republican Party, but it sure will drive them away from the Democrat Party...in droves.
again, I know moderates come to this blog in droves, because I posted it on DU and people from FR posted all over it.
At 2:52 PM, Anonymous said…
"Hey, you know who is a really bad blogger? stpalm!!!"
Get out of your parents basement, get a job, pay some bills, and then I'll listen to you.
Until then, STFU.
I'm 16, you stupid asshole. You just wasted your time trying to insult a 16 year old anonymously on the internet. You are an insecure little man who seeks to create a dominant persona behind the shield of a keyboard in order to inflate your crushed ego. Fuck off.
At 2:54 PM, Anonymous said…
So was London LIHOP or MIHOP? I really need to know so I can post at DU and not be afraid of getting banned.
I don't buy into all the conspiracy crap at DU, so there is no reason why you should buy into the "being a fucking dick and flaming people anonymously over the internet" crap at FreeRepublic.
Oracle said...
To stpalm: Greetings from the Oracle.
Unfortunately you have the wrong perception of life. It is not the operation of such a massive vehicle that gives us the “self-esteem” you mentioned, but our ability and means to own one. That is where the satisfaction lies. Now, be a good little urchin and listen to your mother’s advice: put away your Matchbox cars and take your nap.
3:50 PM
Well, at least you are admitting you curb your massive insecurities by buying big trucks. I might even go so far as to say they are MATCHBOX cars for big, impressive people like you! Keep it up, shooter!
See? The idea is to waste their time and make them mad. It is really fun, and sad- a teenager is more mature than these goblins.