I mean: Do you think God came down from heaven and....
(<<<<BAM!!!>>>>Marvin's head blows off)
Jules: Ohhhaa!!! What the fuck is happening??
Vincent: Ohhhh..... Ohh man, I shot Marvin in the face...
Jules: Why the fuck did you do that???
Vincent: I didn't mean to do that. It was an accident!
Jules: Ohh man, I've seen some crazy ass shit in my time, but this ...
Vincent: Shut up, man!! I've told you it was an accident!
You probably...You went over a bump or something!
Jules: HEY! I didn't hit no motherfucking bump!!
Vincent: Hey, look man! I didn't, didn't mean to shot the son of a bitch. The gun went off! I don't know why!
Jules: Well, look at this fucking mess, man!!
We are on a city-street in bright daylight here!
Vincent: I don't believe it, man!
Jules: Believe it now motherfucker!