With Republicans on another board (on the Army lowering their goals):
Me: "They like to say they're not in a crisis, but they are. Mothers of HS graduates has told their children not to enlist. I've asked known republicans, who seemed quite fit and clever, why they haven't enlisted since they're so for the war. They use some sort of excuse such as, "school's more important!" (John Kerry put his education on hold to go to Vietnam), "didn't have time" so on. One Republican actually enlisted after I told him to do so. Gave him a hug, and told him to be careful. Saw him in his uniform and all.
That's why I've joined Operation Yellow Elephant, it's mottoes are "because ranting is better than enlisting" and "sign up or shut up." We like to point out the Republican hypocrisy to the war (Bush stating that people should support him in the war, yet his daughters aren't enlisted. His daughters haven't found jobs yet)."
Republican 1: Since no one in your family has served in the military, I suggest that you shut up and stop judging others.
Me: "Ok, so have your kids served yet?
The point of this argument is: why are you so gung-ho about the war, yet tell your children not to enlist now?
*hears pin drop*"
Republican 2: "Z that pin you hear dropping was your last brain cell falling out..
You have a handicap and can't serve but you think that gives you the right to tell other people what they should do.. I get the picture and I just wish I was one of the people you decided should serve. I would have you crying & running to moma after about 10 mins. of chewing your azz out..
Read my lips... Shut up about the Army... You have been proven wrong over & over again and your track record isn't going to get any better.."
Me: "Well then, I'll tell you to shut up about the war.
If you won't shut up, you should go and enlist."
Republican 2: "At least I give moral support to our troops & CIC by not attacking them in word or deed but you call them losers while they are fighting & dying for what you call a worthless cause..
I also pay a lot of taxes that go to support the war. While you're living off others & do nothing but bit*h. I think I know who is going to be a worthless cause & it isn't the war in Iraq. Some people are just a waste of the space they take up in America but are very good at giving advice while sponging off the good other people do."
Me: "Ok then, enlist.
I'm not b*tching here, I'm just putting it out in plain terms."
I've seen a picture of Republican 2, he seems quite young. It's fun to argue with these people on this board (both R and D).