Here, in post 51, you insinuate that the Clinton administration is to blame for the Plame outing. Hmmm…Karl Rove defenders don’t fare well at DU, because, honestly, what is there to defend?>>> NOWHERE do I blame "The Clinton administration" for any of it. I don't mention OR IMPLY anything of the sort. I said that I have read opinion bits that seem as credible as current rumors, that say that Plame's identity was leaked well prior to any comments by Novak - possibly even prior to the Bush administration. This does not blame the Clinton administration, NOR DOES IT ACCUSE. Did it ever occur to you that sometimes "secrets" slip out unintentionally? Nowere am I accusing ANYONE, actually, of "outing" Plame. On the contrary, I'm pointing out that people are in all-fired hurry to pin it on one person, and that's not reasonable. I prefer to know the truth, and right now, ain't a one of us knows what that is for sure.
You say that there was no “substantial fraud” in the recent election (do you defend Bush in the 2000 election, too???) Post #9 here:>>>> That's right. That's my firm belief, that there is no evidence of any election-altering fraud. I've read a million things about it (well, ok, that's not true, maybe a thousand..), and remain convinced that nobody has yet to prove fraud. Maybe my "level" of what it takes to convince me is higher than yours. That's fine. I fail to see why this makes me some sort of evil person.
Against ALL intelligence about 911, YOU say that Al Qaeda and Iraq had “a relationship of sorts” prior to 9/11. Indeed, you started a thread about it, and quoted the Weekly Standard as you source:>>>> Yes, I posted it. I read the article through, and comparing notes with what I've read elsewhere, and my own memory from a few years ago, I find it interesting. I do note the author is careful to disclaim many things as only "possible" and I figure that one person's work will eventually be obsoleted by later work, or other information. It seems to me you're not even faintly interested in exploring the possibility. Read it, remain a skeptic. Disprove it. Whatever you like, just explain why you have to attack me over it.
This one pisses me off…you insinuate that poor people are stupid and incapable of making wise choices. You, somehow, are superior to them because you once were poor. But these poor people deserve no subsidies or entitlements, according to you. What do you propose? Faith-based initiatives? Post numbers 13 and 15:>>>> Really? I "insinuate" that poor people are stupid and incapable? No, I said that a lot of people make bad decisions and that ends up causing them to be poor. If you're unable to accept that this ABSOLUTE AND UNVARNISHED TRUTH is real, then I guess you'll just have to be mad at me ... or whatever it is you're doing. Why not just join the thread, if you want to discuss the topic, and see where it goes, instead of making totally uncalled for assumptions? Again, if it somehow evil to realize that most "poverty" is caused by bad decisions on SOMEONE'S part, then we're just spinning useless yarns. Been poor, know lots of people who are, and I know some who CHRONIC poverty cases, and I can point out over and over again, in each of thier cases, how decisions were PRECISELY the cause of thier financial woes. I mean, I'd have to be calling myself "stupid and incapable", as well. Or maybe you didn't notice that part.
Yes, there are people who face desperate times due to things outside of thier control, but the conversation hadn't even gotten to them, last I read the thread.
So, would you care to point out for me because I might have missed that post—Just where at DU do you demonstrate anything close to progressive thought???
>>>> I haven't noticed you displaying any. You're leaping to conclusions, accusing me of saying things I didn't say, and saying things that don't add up to "progressive" either. Again, I refer prescisely back to my original post in this thread... About people disagreeing, or at least discussing something - WITHOUT ASSUMING BAD INTENT on the part of others. I didn't ask you to 'defend' me, as I didn't feel I needed defense. I'm just looking for conversation and debate about how we talk to each other...
But, if I don't display "progressive" thought, then why not tell me what "progressive" thought is?