Well, I personally thought this was quite amusing (bascially just the bolded portion):
www.urbandictionary.com- definition- "liberal"
4. liberal In general, have most of the good ideas, but are sadly represented on the Internet by whiny, insecure hypocrites (probably high schoolers) who complain (from the anonymosity of their computers) about not being able to criticize the US government or conservatives in general, and then completely SPAZ OUT when anyone DARES criticize their ideas. Free speech is a two-way street mm'kay?
Notice that just about all the definitions that criticize liberals have been deleted or are up for deletion. Granted, some of them were stupid/hateful, but what does that tell you about liberals being "open minded"?
Well the truth is that most liberals in real life are open-minded and cool, but on the web basically act like bizarro-Republicans and aren't actually "liberal" at all, just the political equivalent of poseurs.
In real life: Jim: Hey Steve, do you think that gays should be allowed to marry? Steve: Of course. Gay marriage occurs in most of Europe without "eroding family values" or any such nonsense. Why shouldn't they have the same rights as everyone else? It's the 21st century. It's time for America to evolve.
Online: Jim: Hey Steve, do you think that gays should be allowed to marry? Steve: OMG You must be a bigot Cristian fundie homophobe!!!! How could you even THINK of questioning gay marriage????? Why don't you go watch more NASCAR and Fox News huh Cleetus?? Huh Jimbo?? Huh Billy Bob??? STUPID BUSH-WORSHIPPING BRAINWASHED RACIST GREEDY NEOCON ILLITERATE INBRED REDNECK FUNDIE CHRISTIAN LEMMING GUN-TOTING SUV-DRIVING FASCIST REPUBLICAN WARMONGER NAZI WINGNUT DITTO-HEAD CHICKENHAWK DRONE!!!!!! WHERE'S YOUR TOLERANCE, HUH? IDIOT!! Jim: Man, I thought those guys who call people "pinko commie faggots" were assholes. Jeez... Steve: YOU WORSHIP THE GOP! YOU THINK THE BU$H DICTATORSHIP CAN DO NO WRONG! YOU ARE IGNORANT! NAZI! NAZI! NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!
Okay, I thought that was pretty funny. Another good one:
5. Free Republic A racist, white power chat site operating as a conservative news discussion forum. Conservatives use the Washington Post; true racists prefer Free Republic. Source: Texas Cowboy, Mar 20, 2005
VERY fun website. Lots of digusting humor though, be warned!