We apparently have our share of Freepers here in Sheboygan too. Lady, here's a quarter. Buy a frikkin' clue!
Letters: We shouldn’t criticize president in wartime
I was very disturbed by a letter sent recently to the editor about the Bush administration being phony with visuals.
She talks about how hard the Clinton administration and herself worked to send out a positive message to the nation, and how accurately it worked. Well, I have to admit, the main image I still see is of him on my TV screen literally telling a lie to our country during his impeachment trial. But that is in the past.
Right now I don’t see how it is a good thing to slam our president during a war that is not finished. Maybe if we weren’t being shown so many stories about Gitmo and Abu Graib or Dick Durbins’ speech to the Senate, we could see some stories of progress that has been made. Yes, there has been some progress.
We are also not shown visuals of our president visiting with families of deceased soldiers. Also, our soldiers have been polled as to who they want to be their leader. Overwhelmingly, 3-1, they choose Bush. They are the ones taking the bullets for us. So why can’t we trust them and let them finish the job with dignity?
Many of them are very proud of what they are doing for their country and Iraq. I’m sure they don't mind that one of the turkeys at the Thanksgiving table was plastic. They will always remember the children and their families that they have helped and that is a good thing.
It’s easy to scrutinize a president during a lengthy war with many deaths, but how is it helpful to your fellow country men and women?