There have been threads from time to time about the best way to handle those annoying credit cards offers. Most suggestions are to shred the offer & return the envelope with some goodies. Some of the goodies mentioned include: tea bags, thin plates of lead, sand, washers, salt, and old newspapers. IMHO, the PO is gonna get pissed at you if you screw up the sorting machines.
My personal choice has been old magazines and mail order catalogs. The paper is very dense and heavy. I cut the mag or catalog up into strips to fit the envelope. When I took the latest batch of those prepaid envelopes back to the PO, I talked to my buddy Bob. "Bob" I sez, "how much is this gonna cost these guys?" Bob being the good public servant he is, stuck my prepaid envelope on the weighing scale & said "About $2.41." The second was $2.44 and the third was only $1.94.
This suggestion is clearly a public service. You
a) get rid of trash that may end up in your landfill b) generate revenue for the Post Office c) cause a hit on the bottom line of credit line loan sharks sending this crap.
I make it a point not to deface any printing on the return envelope; I want these fucks to know who it's from.