For those of you who knew Andy I do not have to tell you how special he was, how much energy he had, how he could make you laugh when you least expected it, or how empathetic he was. He was truly a wonderful human being.
I met Andy in a Yahoo chatroom called "Bush is a Big Huge Mistake" shortly after the selection 2000. I spent 911 with Andy and we cried tears together. In fact I used to post here when Andy first started posting here a couple of years back. Andy is as missed among his Yahoo friends as he is by DUers, and yes we loved him too.
My regret is that Andy came to my state about a year and a half ago to work on keeping diebold out of California and I did not go up to Sacramento to meet him because of obligations that kept me away. I read William Rivers Pitt's editorial about Andy, and we really do not know how much time anyone of us has in this world. How many full moons we have, or opportunities to spend time with those we respect and admire.. like Andy.
Andy, I will always hold you as an example of how EVERYONE can make a difference and how we are ALL important, all we have to do it to keep trying. I will never give up just like you.