Granted I haven't been involved with DU for very long but I see how worked up and irritated some of you get when it comes to their attitude over there. This 'let's give rove a medal' discussion has sent me over the edge and I keep finding myself trying to go back to read it again and again in some sort of sick, self-mutilating fashion. I am supposed to working on my thesis and while I can maybe give up some of my free time to come on here and post and I am spending 400% longer on freerepublic cutting out quotes and text messaging them to my girlfriend for laughs (she's a left coastal girl as they say).
So fortunately our firewall (for those of you who are unfamiliar with what I'm referring to, its basically the device that keeps the bad stuff out of your network - spyware, spam, dos attacks, etc..) software was written by me (plug) so I can easily patch it to block sites. So as of this moment - is inaccessable from any of my workstations, and I have to slap my hand and say "NO!" when I try to logon to the firewall and remove the patch.
It's rough but I know I can do it. I..I... I HAVE TO LOOK!
*SLAP* "NO!"