I gotta disagree; good STORY is what makes a great film, and that CAN come from an adaptation or be in the form of a sequel. "Empire Strikes back" was better than "Star Wars",imho, and I enjoyed "Batman begins" and the Spiderman movies.A good friend of a friend of mine made his own ORIGINAL comic book series into a film ("Sin City"), I haven't seen it, but I know that it was well reviewed and that Frank-the guy who made it and created the comic books- was downright "giddy" with the outcome. Films like "Adaptation" or "Garden state" are great too, but I don't see them as being automatically superior to a studio picture just because they are low budget and independent. I put my heart and soul into big budget pics, just like most people who work on them. No movie that I've ever worked on cost less than $45 million to produce, either-so expecting to "make money" from a picture doesn't make one a prostitute, It makes one sensible. No money-no future films.