Edited on Sat Jul-16-05 02:01 PM by Not_Giving_Up
So, last night, I told the LOC that it was bullshit that everyone gets a vacation but me, that I wasn't invited, let alone considered. He said that if I wanted to go, I could, but we'd have to figure out how to pay for gas/food/lodging. Of course, I don't really want to go, I'm concerned about the return of my children. He agrees that no medical form will be necessary since he's going on the trip.
Then it hit me. :think: He's not taking his car. He loves his car, and no way would he be leaving it behind. Why didn't I think of that before? I may not be 100% certain about this trip now, but I feel good enough about it to allow the children to go. Yes, a paper will be signed stating that the children will be on vacation from (date) to (date) and will be returning to this address on (date). If his mother has a problem with that, she can bite me.
I'm planning a fun filled time while they're gone. I'll actually be able to clean the house, and it won't get screwed up ten minutes after I leave the room. It's time to clean the carpets. I can empty out one kid's room into the other, do that room, switcharoo, and do it again. Next Saturday is the HDGE Meetup and the DSM Townhall, and I can go to both events and not be worried about what time to be home. I can have FUN!