It is good. It is so good that now I can understand why McDonald have problems!! If you want to change your eating habit, this is the must see movie. I hope new Wal-mart movie is as good. What I am really impressed about this movie is that it's subtle tone and the sheer power of this crazy experiment. Let me tell you. At the beginning this guy had trouble eating all super-size meal and literally threw up what he ate. Eventually, his body addicted to 'high sugar, high fat, and super high cal' food and he stared showing the real sign of 'food addiction'. Yes, 'food addiction' is the reality. If you watch this movie once a week, you can stop eating most of really bad fast food. ( Thank god for Subway. It is very interesting that entire marketing strategy of Subway is anti-thesis of McDonald. ) One more important point. If you have kids who have ADD, check school lunch program fast. I always thought that the rate of ADD and learning disabilities among children were abnormally high. If you learn about what kind of lunch kids are eating, you can see why. Yes, there are real case of ADD and learning disabilities. But, significant part of cases may be caused by food. I want this guy to make the movie version of 'Nickeled and dimed'. Hertopos