Full disclosure: Of the 1970s tetrarchy of this realm, Free Bird, Stairway to Heaven, Layla and Roundabout, I never got sick of any of them. In fact, the only songs that I ever really liked then got sick of due to radio overplay were Hotel California and Sultans of Swing. Oh, and Lying Eyes, but I never liked that all that well anyway. All these decades later, I guess I'm pleased to hear these when oldies radio trots them out, but I confess that there's a ghost of airplay fatigue even still.
In other words, though there are untold numbers of songs that I initially disliked and then disliked even more due to heavy rotation (at the moment, Nat King Cole's daughter's first hit is rather leading the pack, no thanks to eHarmony), generally my tastes have not been much affected by the narrowness of radio/ MTV/ VH1 programming. Obviously, somewhere in the late '70s, I learned how to change the channel.
How 'bout you?