"I lied this many times today!"
http://www.thespoof.com/news/spoof.cfm?headline=s2i8658WASHINGTON, D.C. – After an almost daily deluge of questions concerning Karl Rove’s involvement in the leaking of the identity of an undercover CIA agent last week, White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan conducted his Tuesday morning press gaggle from within a custom made fort comprised entirely of couch pillows and blankets.
The fort, which rough estimates showed to be approximately 8’ by 4’, was made up of no less than 12 pillows, each of which had been intricately stacked into a cube-shaped stronghold that housed the beleaguered press secretary and his podium.
McClellan’s body was largely shielded by the citadel of fine fabrics and Egyptian cotton, but there was a small slit at the front that allowed reporters to see his face and hear his answers, brief and cryptic as they were.
From within the shadows created by his bastion of comfort, McClellan appeared relaxed and slightly less sweaty than usual, betraying the fact that his fort probably housed some kind of central airconditioning system to counteract his notoriously hyperactive sweat glands. When McClellan was confronted with a particularly tough question or if he felt a barbed attack from a member of the press coming on, McClellan responded with a preemptive strike of Koosh balls and squirts from a Super Soaker.