...America, as we knew it, DIED. It died due to the selfish, sorry, pathetic, narrowminded, bigoted vision of the NWO/One-World-Government/Neo-KKKons, by installing goddamn George DUMBya BUSHitler as our president, in an election he did not even WIN, even with the "offical" vote tally. Since this disgusting and shameful event, we have LESS freedoms (Uh, I thought the terrorist attacked us cuz they HATE OUR FREEDOMS!? Ok, fine! EXPLAIN THE GODDAMN "PATRIOT" ACT!), we have an eCONomy in the shitter, the environment is TRASHED, the number of homeless people and families is through the roof, poverty is out of control, crime is at epidemic rates, the infrastructure of the country is that of a 3rd world nation, countless soldiers have died needlessly, countless innocent Afgan and Iraqi civilians have died--again, needlessly, countless soldiers have been wounded--you guessed it, needlessly, Osama Bin Fucking Cocksucker is STILL at large, American jobs are still being sent overseas to 10th world toliets who do not give a DAMN about human rights or workers rights, gas prices went from approx. 79 CENTS to $2.45(!), we have made NO progess on the development of ALTERNATIVE ENERGY to remove us from the stanglehold grip of the CRIMINALS known as OPEC, heroin use and production is through the roof, the surplus went to a $7 TRILLION DEBT (any of you repukes ever balance a goddamn CHECK BOOK, MORONS?!), the douchebag in the White House can't even ride a bike without falling off (I guess he's still hitting the bottle!) much less, EAT A PRETZEL! NEED I GO ON!?
But thank you GOD that George W. Bush has NOT got a blow job from someone other than his wife while he's "RESTORED DIGNITY" to the fucking White House!
Lu Cifer, and as judge, I find ALL of you rethugliKKKons in this regime: GUILTY!