One of my good friends who I went to video school with just told me that he was nominated for an Emmy for doing the titles on House. He was also nominated for another one, but I can't recall what it was offhand. He doesn't get to go to the main awards show just the one where they send all the true computer nerd nominees, but still that's pretty awesome. He's only 23 or something like that too. He's a really talented guy though, just directed a short film, as well.
I might meet him in L.A. that weekend and hang out with him and a couple of our filmmaker friends. I hope he wins, so I can say my friend is an Emmy winner. Be a good thing to toss into a convo. "Well, my friend won an Emmy last year...."
I better finish my screenplay, so I can direct something and quit letting all these young punks make me look so bad. :)