That'd be me, the dude that Sarahbelle's been referring to in poorly-veiled posts for a year or two and against whom Finnfan is conducting an equally heavy-handed campaign of nyah-nyah-I-got-your-girl-now-Gump-boy. I'd never have voluntarily revealed this were it not for the fact of recent posting activity and that too many people have long known already, anyway, not that I ever talked to anyone about it all. In fact, I tried to take the graceful way out a while back (thread somehow deleted, I think) but good people talked sense into me and I decided to stay on DU.
Sarah's fact-based characterization of me as a heart-stomping meanie is something I'm not even going to bother to address -- believe it if you want, I don't really care, and I'm sure that those who know me here to any extent will realize that it is at odds with my reality. What Ever.
If you're playing it up for my benefit, though -- especially you, Finnfan (and here's a clue, Huckleberry: at least acknowledge that you don't know me and that perhaps, just perhaps, the impression you've got that's sending you on your saccharine mission of misplaced chivalry is a tad one-sided) -- don't bother, because it's having zero impact beyond my getting peeved at the very fact that you're playing such stupid games. In the meantime, everyone else who happens across one of your overplayed posts has to suffer for my alleged transgressions. I mean, people are going into diabetic comas here.
I'm happy that Sarahbelle is happy. Fine. So celebrate that as you wish, but please no longer feel the need to make innocent bystanders suffer for something that is no longer even a going concern and that you, Finnfan, never even had a part in. In other words, fine with me if you celebrate your love all you want, but do it for the right damned reasons.