Edited on Sat Jul-23-05 10:40 PM by LynneSin
Ok, first and foremost I didn't buy this book, hell I didn't even borrow it from a local library. To be honest, I was at Border's bookstore and thought it would be interesting just to see who Goldberg thinks is screwing up this country. And let's face it - it's a fricking list with some commentary for almost all of the names on the list and to be honest I would have to say about 25-30 of the names he picked were 'filler names' because he really couldn't come up with 100 names.
First, Goldberg has the usual liberal suspects on the list and yes, here's the big spoiler (close the thread now if you don't want the surprise given away) but #1 is Michael Moore. To be honest, by the time he got to #1 on his list (he counts backwards), I think he got tired of writing because all he did was put Moore's picture in the book.
Ok, as for the rest of the book. There were plenty of names of folks I didn't recognize and to be honest I really didn't want to spend a whole lot of time figuring it out either. And then he has alot of 'filler names' on the list because like I said - he really couldn't come up with 100 names so he puts someone like Courtney Love on the list and his only comment was 'Ho'. Ok, I know that Love had a profoundly negative affect on Kurt Cobain, lead singer of the groundbreaking grunge band Nirvana but unless Goldberg happens to have been a major Nirvana fan I'm not sure how Courtney Love is screwing up America. And the simple justification of 'Ho' pretty much says that Goldberg doesn't really have a good reason either.
But the real shocker of the book is a few neo-cons made this list which is a shocker because lets face it - the only people buying this book is neo-cons so why would Goldberg want to piss off his main market? But Goldberg places it safe with his choices. Obviously he puts a neo-con radio talk show blowhard but does he go after one of the Idiotic Axis of Hot Air (OxyRush, Hannity or O'LiesAlot)? No, because he knows if he messes with these guys his career as a neo-con shrill is over with so he goes after Michael Savage. Savage could have been a contender but his TV show was so fricking radical and offensive that even MSNBC had to drop him. So in all reality Goldberg isn't going to lose too many readers since no one really buys Savages crap anymore. Goldberg also goes after the evangelists but again plays it safe. Crossing the likes of Robertson or Falwell would put the best of neo-con shrills in the bargain bin at Wal-mart so Goldberg goes after Jimmy Swaggart. Swaggart was disgraced decades ago with his extra-marital affair so he is the obvious safe choice.
In a nutshell Goldberg's books is about as well-thoughtout as this post. Random crap put together from poorly researched information with a few amusing antedotes to maybe appeal to the unlikely reader. It took me about 5 minutes to peruse this entire book which is about 4min 45 seconds longer then what any person really needs to spend.