I don't know what made me think of this. I ran away with 2 friends when I was 14. Not sure why - we thought we were picked on. It was early spring and nice weather and we left straight after school wearing tennis shoes and denim jackets. We walked on the railroad tracks to avoid seeing out parents out driving around.
It seemed like we walked forever. It got dark and started getting really cold. We had no money and nothing to eat or drink. At one point, we passed by a large warehouse or something with a streetlight which was the only light around for miles. As we moved away from it, I glanced back and the light seemed really bright. I turned back to my friends and then the rails started to vibrate - it wasn't the streetlight, it was a train! We jumped off the tracks into a water filled ditch and a big ol' frieght train roared past, scared us half to death.
By midnight or so, we were freezing cold and exhausted. We saw a light on a hillside and climbed up, hoping to find a house or store or something. It was really dark, though and all we could see was a small shed with an outside light and a lot of dark hills and outbuildings looming around. We went in the shed which was unlocked - it was sort of a toolshed and there was a large generator in the middle that we climbed on top of, pulled an old tarp over ourselves and went to sleep.
The next morning, the thermometer outside the door showed 16 degrees and it was snowing. Oh, and we were in the town dump. We'd traveled maybe five miles from town though it seemed like about 30. We trudged out to the road, found a phone and called our parents. That was the end of our running away!
How about you? Got any good running away from home stories?