Since the SEIU and the Teamsters have been doing all the organizing as of late....
The more trade oriented, out dear plumbers, have been trying to hold on to their membership and their bargaining power....
The reason the trades have been so successful is because of their apprentice programs and the fact when you hire plumber or carpenter that is Union you can expect a certain level of expertise...
But in many markets, they have priced themselves out of the picture......
The Teamsters are organizing all across the board, angering some of the more staid unions....
The Locomotive Workers and the Communication workers are also getting ready to bolt the AFL-CIO....
At first blush, it looks bad for the Dem's. But the SEIU and Teamsters like to organize their members into activists and not try to dictate who they should vote for....
NAFTA really killed the spirits of a lot of rank and file union members and soured many on the democratic party...
Just my two cents worth...