With the success of the American show "Pimp My Ride," MTV is fast expanding the franchise across Europe. MTV Germany has just finished airing "Pimp My Bike," and other pimp spin-off shows from "Pimp my Toilet" to "Pimp My Scooter" are on their way. The shows may be more modest than their American cousin, but no detail is left unpimped."What a loser!" Karol must be thinking to himself as he struggles to pedal his rusty ride -- complete with shrill squeaks announcing his lameness to the world -- along the cobblestones of Hamburg, Germany. A tragedy, really. After all, as a DJ, he's supposed to be cool incarnate. Hip. A chick magnet. But with a rickety hunk of junk between his legs, this guy just isn't.
And it's not for lack of trying. The rest of his urban gear seems to work -- the record bag, the throwback 80's training suit, the right piercings and dark shades. But that bicycle. What's a hipster to do?
Enter MTV Germany. Following the success of MTV's US show "Pimp My Ride" -- a show dedicated to the transformation of junky jalopies into serious city rigs complete with booming base woofers, sexy paint jobs, a heavy dose of chrome and the occasional pool table or swimming pool in the back of a pick-up -- MTV Europe wanted some of the same. "Pimp My Fahrrad" -- German for bicycle -- was born.
"Pimp my ride works worldwide," says Head of Development and Acquisition for MTV Central Anke Greifeneder. "And the success of the show has inspired MTV Europe to launch pimp projects elsewhere."