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Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-30-05 07:32 PM
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computer questions
2 related questions (aaarrrggghhh)

1) how do you make phot files smaller? Someone has sent some pictures (JPG files??? whatever that means - I will need simple EASY intended-for-moron instructions because both the sender and myself are such. The first mail had 5 - yes FIVE pictures and was over 11mb!!!!!!! I am on slow dial up and it took 2 hours to come in.

2) I use Outlook Express. how can I stop a huge incoming mail? I can see there are 7 more behind this huge thing that is taking forever - how can I get to those first? Or is it Norton checking stuff that prevents rearanging them? Why can't I postpone or reject this one huge thing and let the other stuff in first?
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Clintmax Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-30-05 07:35 PM
Response to Original message
1. Who is your ISP? n/t
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Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-30-05 07:49 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. the River
and I didn't think of going to their website as mentioned below. What about making files smaller? anybody? I know I did it once to make my avatar for this site, (back when I was a donor in good standing - sorry Skinner and everybody I owe you a couple and intend to ASAP, just not P right now) but I can't remember what I did.
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Moochy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-30-05 07:39 PM
Response to Original message
2. Get access to your mail via the web
Edited on Sat Jul-30-05 07:41 PM by Moochy
If you can access your mail queue using a web browsre, (many ISPS have a webmail option) you can just delete them using Internet Explorer or Firefox.
If not, you can in fact use telnet using port 110 and delete the individual messages using raw POP3 commands, but since you've already warned about your skill level I dont recommend this. :)
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Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-30-05 07:52 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. didn't think of that
will try it - thanks. and its not my low skill level its my lack of knowledge - I AM pretty fair at following directions, its just finding them sometimes! ;-)
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Moochy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-30-05 07:58 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. connecting to a POP3 server directly
Edited on Sat Jul-30-05 08:00 PM by Moochy
Shrinking a file that is on a remote server is a different task than what you are trying to do. The big picture files are up on the ISP server as attachments, so you don't have the ability to affect them, except to either download them, or delete them.

If you want to try and get in with TELNET (a standard windows program for accessing remote computers using a standard )

In the instructions below, change "popserver" to the full address of your pop3 server. (this will be in outlook express settings, account details or soemthing like that)

Instructions for using TELNET to connect to your
POP3 mail server and manually retrieve your messages, also used to see if the POP3 mail server is responding or having issues.

Telnet to the mail server on port 110

Click Start: Run:
Type telnet popserver 110 and press (Enter). (You will get a +Ok POP server ready message). Please note the popserver is the Mail Server (Incoming) as configured in Eudora under

Tools/Options/Getting Started.

Type in user username and press (Enter) (It should say +Ok password required...). Your username is usually the first part of your email address.

Type in pass password and press (Enter) (It should say +Ok you have ... messages), if you are unsure of what your password is please contact your ISP.

Type in uidl and press (Enter) (It should say +Ok and list the unique ID for your messages).

You can view the messages headers with the top command. For example, you can view the message headers of the 6th message in your mail spool with the command top 6 1, or you could view the headers and first 7 lines of message 2 by typing the command top 2 7 and pressing (Enter)

You can retrieve the entire message with the RETR command, for example if you wanted to retrieve message number 5, you can type retr 5 and press (Enter)

You can delete a message from your spool file using the DELE command, for example, if you wanted to delete message number 42, type dele 42 and press (Enter)

When you are ready to log out of the POP3 mail server, type quit and press (Enter)
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Ready4Change Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-30-05 08:14 PM
Response to Original message
6. My suggestions.
2. Follow peoples ideas for connecting to your ISP directly, and delete the overly large email.

1. Have your friend who sent you the pictures go back into whatever they used to create the pictures. Load the pictures. In the file menu select "Save As." Use the same name as before, but there should be a question about image quality, and a sliding scale between 1 and 10. Odds are they used 10, highest quality.

I've found I can use 2 and get pictures that still look excellent, but which are one tenth or even one hundredth the size of the original.

Then, have your friend email you the newer, smaller, pics.
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Moochy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-30-05 08:30 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. Good point re: jpeg encoding quality
Good point, jpeg at 6 or 7 quality is a vast savings over 10.
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