Most of the time I check their channel- morbid curiosity combined with a kind of voyeurism about what the squares are up to, I think- it's another herb concoction that two old men without obvious higher education are hoking for $30 a bottle by playing into every single cliche of their generation. Literally snake oil.
Tonight they had Joel Osment on- proof that televangelism is bad psychotherapy seminars. I was hoping for the Van Impes, actually. I have something of a crush on Rexella (don't ask- big doey eyes).... and a suspicion that the videotapes they hustle are the Christian Right version of collectible comic books. You know, "Apocalypse 2000" and "End Times 2001", get the whole series! Soon to be followed by "Armageddon 2010"! Starring Jesus, as always, and creepier versions of the Four Horsemen, plus a new and unimaginable amazing CGI illustration of the Seven Breasted Whore of Babylon! Collectors' editions, signed by the artist! Limited editions! Christian camp! Store together with you Beanie Babies, Cabbage Patch dolls, Tickle Me Elmos and Hummel figurines! Trade in value for "The Second Coming 2020" guaranteed!