It was fun to watch the players stroll in with the strippers, stiff us for bottles of Dom Perignon, inspire complaints from all the rooms on their floor.
The last nights of training camps are fun. We sealed off a whole floor, knowing there would be parties. Our security gaurd, and off-duty police officer, had to walk the floor that night, and saw a six foot eight, three hundred pound man walking naked down the hall, carrying an ice bucket. The officer followed him into a suite (he left the door open), glanced around at all the coke on the tables, the naked women dancing around, the naked football players stumbling from woman to woman. (Ah, the names I could drop!)
The cop found the one sober guy in the room (a very famous one), and asked if they could close the door and keep it down. "Oh, sure, officer."
The funniest part was, there were reporters all over the hotel. They ALL knew who was sleeping around, who was doing coke. They never reported a thing. One told me every training camp in the NFL was the same way.