I'm absolutely sure that you guys know that I hate Republicans, especially if you've been around DU for a while. I've certainly voiced that opinion on numerous occasions and in a variety of ways:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=104&topic_id=2277123http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=104&topic_id=2303465http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=105&topic_id=2077582I want to categorically state for the record that my latest effort at defaming Republicans and their repellent ways is not for a perceived dearth of condemnation for their ways and words on the Internet. There is such a plethora of diatribes on this very subject, from our own delightful and insightful Top Ten Conservative Idiots to Buzzflash's Hypocrite Of The Week, to countless other websites and blogs that many of us have both read and loved, that I can never hope to equal the eloquence and intensity of their efforts.
This is just the way that I wish to express my own observations.
Also in a way, this is a dedication to the brave and industrious efforts of others who have taken the time to give us many excellent examples why Republicans are the lowest for of life on Earth. Their work is invaluable as sources of accurate information and delightful entertainment. At the end of this rant I'll post links to a few sites that specialize at focusing on the subject matter at hand.
Now for today's target: Senator Rick Santorum
Now while, it's as easy for me to detest these greedy dipshit Republicans for their utter repulsiveness as it is for me to take my next breathe, I must state for the record that I do not feel that although the Republican Party does not have a virtual monopoly on the assholes that populate the political arena, they most certainly have a plurality of them.
However, the Republican Party is an utter smorgasbord of complete assholism and one of its best and most prolific examples is Senator Rick Santorum of the great state of Pennsylvania.
In case you didn't know, Senator Rick, as he is known to his friends and admirers just wrote a book,
It Takes a Family : Conservatism and the Common Goodhttp://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1932236295/ref=pd_sxp_f/102-6970746-9886505?v=glance&s=booksSenator (p)Rick's book is a detailed recitation of his beliefs, his views on today's society, his proposals and a prime example of why he is one of the biggest god-damned hypocrites on the face of the Earth. You've just got read this shit for yourself, if your blood pressure isn't high enough, or even find a way to obtain a free copy to provide to your friends and family if you never want see them again. I would never advocate buying this stack of horse shit, even if you were planning on shredding it right away to spread it in your attic as an expense form of insulation.
Now, again I want to state for the record that I didn't read this book. I'm being straight up with you guys in telling you that I'm just going to take excerpts from it from various sources around the internet. With those excerpts, we're going to take a look at his record to compare the two. I'm absolutely sure that it's going to be more fun this way.
Back to the book in question. This motherfucker just screams BULLSHIT from the top of (p)Rick's ivory tower, as seen in this excerpt from the Amazon.com web site's review:
Among politicians of national stature today, there is perhaps none more respected as a principled conservative than Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA). In It Takes a Family: Conservatism and the Common Good, his first book, Santorum articulates the humane vision that he believes must inform public policy if it is to be effective and just. An appreciation for the civic bonds that unite a community lies at the heart of genuine conservatism. Moreover, Senator Santorum demonstrates how such an approach to political, social, and economic problems offers the most promise for those on the margin of life: the poor, the vulnerable, and minorities who have often been excluded from opportunity in America.
Whoa, that's really rich.
Speaking of that review, you absolute MUST take the time to read the member's reviews on this disgraceful malignant literary carcinoma. They are a virtual laff-riot.