Geez I just had this lady call me this morning at 8:00am :wtf: and asked if I was interested in learning about Jesus... mind you, I was asleep at the time and I was a bit pissed off about being woken. I told her no but then she starts going into this song and dance about how Jesus loves everyone and how you can be saved through his blood and everything, I can't remember exactly what she said as I was still high from my meds, plus I was still half-sleeping.
I then asked her if Jesus forgives people who wake up other people to talk about Him, and she was like "Yes, he does in order to spread his Word." :wtf:
I then asked her if Jesus accepted gays as it is pointed out in the Bible that he hung around, drunks, prostitutes and the like. At first she was silent and then she said something to the effect "Well homosexuality is wrong as it says in the Bible, but when you accept Jesus into your heart, all of that changes. Living with Jesus is a wonderful thing and you will find that you will be blessed." :wtf: she just avoided my question, so I said, "Well if Jesus and God are so forgiving and accepting, wouldn't they accept who you are?
She didn't answer but proceeded to start a Bible study without even asking if I wanted one.. what the--? So I told her politely that I wasn't interested and could she please not call here again? She then asked me if I was interested in having someone come over for a Bible study... I said, "Look lady, I've already done told you I wasn't interested but either you are deaf, dense or both and you don't understand or what... I don't appreciate you calling me up at 8:00am in the morning to talk to me about something that I don't want to hear." and then I hung up. I was to tired to even come up with something snazzy.
I don't know what was wrong with this lady. She sounded nice and was more than likely an elderly lady. I didn't even think of asking her what her religion was but I think it was probably a JW since I did allow some JW's in earlier this year so that I can learn their perspective. So she probably got my number from them.
So what do you think?