hospital?? I doubt it but it would probably do him well.... and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Updated: 06/05/2003
Complications and Risks
Several lung diseases are collectively known as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), including asthmatic bronchitis, chronic bronchitis (with normal airflow), chronic obstructive bronchitis, bullous disease, and emphysema. About 11% of the population of the United States has COPD, with the disease becoming increasingly common among older women. According to the Mayo Clinic, COPD kills 85,000 people a year in the United States.
The incidence of emphysema is up more than 40% since 1982. Emphysema ranks 15th among chronic diseases that contribute to limitation of physical activity. About 44% of those with emphysema report that their daily activities have been limited by the condition. According to the National Jewish Medical and Research Center in Denver, this chronic lung disease kills 13,000 people a year in the United States alone, but up to 2.4 million Americans are estimated to be suffering from this debilitating condition. Emphysema permanently enlarges and irreversibly damages the alveoli, damages the ends and walls of the smallest bronchioles (the tiny breathing tubes that branch off from the trachea and bronchi), and diminishes the elasticity of the lungs.