Girls Forced to Cancel Trip, but Council Doesn't Press Charges
It took long weekends camped outside their local grocery stores and hours tromping door-to-door, but the Girl Scouts in Springfield Troop 1868 eventually sold enough Thin Mints and Tagalongs to help fund a camping trip to Hersheypark in Hershey, Pa.
But then the mother in charge of the troop's cookie sale vanished, as did her young daughter and $4,483 of the cash, troop leaders said. The summer trip was canceled.
Troop parents were stunned that anyone would rip off an institution such as the Scouts. Their instinct, some said, was to call the police. After all, it's a crime.
The Girl Scout Council of the Nation's Capital called it something else: a debt.
<snip>'s this!!! STEALING MONEY considered a DEBT!!?