Common People
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Fri Aug-05-05 04:33 PM
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Common People Pulp
Cocker / Senior / Mackey / Doyle / Banks
She came from Greece, she had a thirst for knowledge She studied sculpture at Saint Martin's College That's where I caught her eye She told me that her Dad was loaded I said "In that case I'll have rum and coca-cola She said "fine"
And then in 30 seconds time she said "I want to live like common people I want to do whatever common people do I want to sleep with common people I want to sleep with common people like you" Well what else could I do? I said "I'll see what I can do"
I took her to a supermarket I don't know why but I had to start it somewhere so it started there I said "pretend you've got no money" but she just laughed and said "oh you're so funny" I said "Yeah Well I can't see anyone else smiling in here
Are you sure you want to live like common people you want to see whatever common people see you want to sleep with common people you want to sleep with common people like me?" But she didn't understand she just smiled and held my hand
Rent a flat above a shop Cut your hair and get a job Smoke some fags and play some pool Pretend you never went to school But still you'll never get it right 'cos when you're laid in bed at night watching roaches climb the wall if you called your dad he could stop it all
yeah You'll never live like common people You'll never do whatever common people do You'll never fail like common people You'll never watch your life slide out of view and then dance and drink and screw because there's nothing else to do
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Fri Aug-05-05 04:36 PM
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And the William Shatner/Joe Jackson version of it absolutely rocks out with its c*** out. Shatner does one of the best sneering vocals ever. Ever.
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Fri Aug-05-05 04:37 PM
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2. I've never heard that version |
Enlighten me - where is it found?
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Fri Aug-05-05 04:38 PM
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I love that song!
(kudos to susang & batboy for letting me copy that CD. I love you guys!)
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:59 PM
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