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Suggestion for something more than "vibes?"

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elcondor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 07:32 PM
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Suggestion for something more than "vibes?"
Earlier this week my boss threw-out his back and has been in pain ever since. He took medicine (I don't know what exactly, only that it is a prescription) for it after it happened--apparently it happens fairly regularly ... but it's pretty clear from seeing him walking around that whatever he's taking isn't working this time. I pressed him a bit about it, and there isn't any consistent trigger or larger underlying problem/disease/syndrome/whatever behind the pain. He's normally a very sweet guy, and this is naturally putting him in a bad mood, which I hate to see ... I tried sending general "good vibes" his way, but to no avail. I was wondering, then, if anyone had any suggestions for me in the vibes-vein (for lack of a better term)?

To be more specific: is there a ritual (that might be too strong a word) that I can do to help? I only have two conditions:

1.) I'm not religious, so I would prefer something that didn't call on specific god(s) or goddess(es), as I personally believe that that would be disrespectful to both those I'm calling on, and to those who follow them, as I don't worship them normally myself. Also, I don't want to mess around with powers that are too great for me to handle and/or understand--I could end up hurting myself or him, I imagine.

2.) As he is my boss, anything that would involve physical contact (like me touching his back, etc) would not be appropriate.

Mods: Please note I am not soliciting medical advice, only asking if there are any suggestions on how I can spiritually aide a person.

Now ... ain't I the nicest employee ever, haha? :silly:
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petronius Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 08:25 PM
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1. Whack the side of his knee with a crowbar...
...he'll forget all about his back pain! Seriously, I would try doing whatever you can to help him minimize his amount of moving around the office - you can casually take over the standing/walking tasks until he's more mobile. I personally wouldn't put a lot of faith into rituals that you or he or both really don't believe in..
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elcondor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 08:39 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Thanks!
I am a spiritual person so I thought it would be interesting to read what works for other people, and to try something new ... it's seriously one of those things where nothing conventional seems to be working, so I thought I'd expand my viewpoint a bit. I'm not into rituals per se, that was indeed too strong a word.

LOL at the crowbar suggestion! :-D I will seriously try to make the load a little easier on him, though, that's a good idea.
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I Have A Dream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 09:10 PM
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3. My husband who teaches meditation says that you should encourage...
your boss to see a chiropractor. Something that may need gross manipulation is impervious to and can't hold the subtle energy. If a physical adjustment is needed and doesn't happen, then the best that you can expect from energy work is a better mood which will be offset by his physical pains.
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