as I have never known a violent stoner, unless devouring a plate of cookies, guzzling iced tea, etc. can be considered "violent or crazed".
The term "drugs and alcohol" bothers me as alcohol is most definitely a drug; and a very dangerous one at that. Those commercials (or are they public service announcements?) concerning "Marijuana: It's more dangerous than we thought" really annoy me. The one which especially does this is where the two boys are in a home office, they're stoned and they find a pistol, then the scene fades and there is the sound of a gunshot.... This reminds me of something that happened in real life for me. One of the friends I knew in high school was drinking rum and watching Deer Hunter. The flashback scene where the Americans were being forced into playing Russian roulette made him think that he could play the game and win. He didn't. (I was not present, I read about it in the local newspaper.)
My next statement is: "Alcohol: It's more dangerous than we thought." And, that our society is so hypocritical by allowing alcohol (here I mean liquor, not necessarily beer and wine) while outlawing marijuana. Like all intoxicants, it should be used responsibly.
If marijuana were to be legalized and regulated like liquor we could solve many problems in our society. Here are just a few: 1. Former tobacco farmers could have a useful cash crop to grow and sell. 2. Cigarette companies could have an item to manufacture in lieu of tobacco cigarettes. 3. It could be sold in liquor stores and regulated as we do with hard liquor.
At each stage from the farmer to the point of sale would generate revenue for various elements of our society which could help the economy. And, let's not forget Uncle Sam's cut: taxes would be levied at each transaction which could be used to combat the truly dangerous drugs like cocaine and meth, etc.
The aforementioned statement is just my humble opinion. Thank you for listening.