Okay, so it's hot. I tend to dream of war when it is hot, I guess cause my war was hot. Who knows?
Here it is...
For some reason a bunch of us decided to walk to DC from NYC. As we walked, we talked to everyone we met and many of them joined us. We were a few thousand strong headed across Jersey when the Army first came to talk to us. Nothing threatening, we assured them, just walking to DC. They said okay, but the FBI was with us from then on. Anyway, we were many thousands more near Silver Spring when the Feds decided we could not enter DC and sent troops, cops and such to intercept us. Fortunately for us, we noticed their left flank was empty and we walked around them at night though Virginia appearing at the Pentagon the next morning. The Pentagon was nervous and had tanks and all kinds of stuff around it. We wanted to go to the White House and demand Bush come back from vacation there, but it looked like Rummy was in charge and wanted a confrontation there at the Pentagon. Just as things were about to turn really ugly, a batallion of Marines marched up to take positions in front of us, instead of turning right into the Pentagon, they cheered and turned left to join us! After that, with the Marines at the head, we walked across the bridge to DC to the White House. Bush spoke to us via TV, we demanded he come back. We pressed the gates, the Secret Service kept warning us they would shoot. We chanted "You can't shoot us all!" "You can't shoot us all!" "The White House must fall!" And with that we were in. Going through file cabinets and with each drawer finding more and more evidence of wrongdoing, passing these things to Federal Procescutors who appeared from somewhere.
That's about it.
What do you think?