I got loans, grants, and scholarships but they sent directly to the college and directly applied to my account. There was some kind of of misunderstanding with my account for my first term because one of the scholarships sent their payment to the school late. As a result, I had already paid more than I should have. I didn't ask for reimbursement. I just let them apply that money to my next term, which meant that I didn't have to pay anything for the rest of the year. I could have gotten reimbursed, but I chose not to because I knew that money was needed for that purpose anyway and did not make nearly as much money during the school year as during the summer. It also helped me for financial aid because I didn't have to report that money, which would have been in my savings account instead. There were allegedly a couple of students at my school that got more financial aid than they needed because they chose to live at home instead of the dorms after their need was calculated with the dorm cost. I don't know when they were given their money and if they were supposed to use it for certain purposes. Is that what you are talking about?