I'll come right out first of all and say it: I'm a big Kaysar fan. Good looks and smart, all in one package. Such a nice guy too - hugging everyone before leaving the Big Brother house at eviction time. That's sportsmanship. And when he delivers a line to an adversary, he delivers it with this special flair.. "I didn't seal your fate; I sealed your partner's fate."
I wish Rachel wouldn't've let Howie win Head of Household this week. As odious as James is, they're still short a vote against Eric's team in a head-to-head matchup. From what I've seen online & offline, Kaysar is most probably coming back. People on the CBS boards looove him, and most people I talk to online love him. Still, that sets-up the teams as follows: - "The Friendship": Maggie, Beau, Ivette, Jennifer, & April. - "The Sovereign Six": Kaysar, Rachel, Howie, Janelle. - The Swing Vote: James or Sarah (whomever is left after this week's eviction)
The Sov6 had better win HoH again next week.. that's all I know.. (good thing they have more of the stronger players)
I just can't wait to see the look on Ivette's face when Kaysar - not Eric - walks back into the house next week. That's gonna be priceless..! :P