neck fix trick. . .
Take two tennis balls and put them in a spare sock. Tie a knot above the two tennis balls so that they are smooshed as close together as is possible. Lie on the sock so that the two balls are sandwiching the bone that protrudes at the nape of your skull (at the very top of your spinal column). Lie on a flat surface without a pillow (either a bed or the floor) for about 10 to 15 minutes.
It's amazing and supposedly can align your whole skeletal system. When done properly it feels as though you grow an inch or two.
My Oriental Doctor swears that he's saved tons of people from otherwise expensive and invasive surgeries with this simple trick.
Hope your father-in-law's condition improves.
Otherwise, news of the last 24 hour cycle. . .they saved the Russian guys who were trapped on the sub, Cindy Sheehan is holding out camping 4 miles outside *'s "ranch" and is everybody's new heroine, *'s aides tried to placate her to no avail, the secret service warned her that she might get run over, and Robin Cook (the Brit who resigned his post in opposition to the Iraq war) died of supposed "natural causes."
That's about it. Oh and the pandacam obsession in the lounge appears to have waned.