We all know how loopy this site was before. But now check out the review of Stealth:
http://capalert.com/capreports/stealth.htmAnyway, Edi was all set to launch its missiles, caring nothing about the people. But Gannon and company had a problem with that. Yes, this story is likely a satirical insult of Bush administration regarding Iraq. There is even a toppling of a large city building to make the likelihood high. Japan killed a lot fewer of our people in Pearl Harbor than Osama Bin Laden killed in 9-11. But back then a foreign power killing our people was reason enough to get behind our country and its administration rather than speak in rebellious terms against it.Ah, so it seems the fundie who runs this site thinks there is great evil in Harry Potter, or in kids seeing movies featuring people with body piercings or tattoos, or a seen of adults in underwear. But there's nothing wrong with warmongering. For all the Bible verses they quote you think they would be aware of the "Blessed are the peacemakers." one.
Oh well, not really a suprise.