So I accidently left my car lights on for three hours and the battery died. x(
First train of thought was to attempt to get a taxi to go to work (next to impossible). Then I called work, which was kind of a feat in itself, and told them I most likely wasn't coming or I'd be really late. Next I had to call the auto club, which was an ordeal because I'm 1) in a different state, 2) owed a balance. Then I live on a campus, so I had to get them to find me which included walking all over the world and trying to give directions to a guy on the phone.
But, I finally got it jumpstarted and I'm thankful it wasn't a more serious problem. I'm still not going to work, I already called in so I'm going to take this as a "mental health day" and see if I can't get something done around here.