All of a sudden today, after a dry spell of no hate mail, I received several dumb@$$ cretinish, hackneyed, misspelled and obscene e-mails through my website,
theBlatantTruth, which I have again sadly had to neglect for a couple of months. I figured somebody must have panned something I posted on there--and sure enough I just got a message from HarryDick congratulating me for making it to
Museum of LeftWingLunacy Kook of the Day.
I read all the comments to find some fact or argument they were reacting to--and there's basically nothing there! It's a buncha yes-apes nodding and agreeing about what an anti-American, anti-President, hateful cesspool of spew it is, with no mention of any facts at all. There is one commenter who does point out that they're long on names and short on facts--but then of course they turn on him and start calling him commie-pinko-pussy-@$$.
Hey chimps! Run like a herd to tomorrow's Kook of the Day site, bozos.