I turned 40 back in March, have been smoking weed since I was 15 pretty consistently but with periodic breaks of several months. Diet is good, weight is normal, exercise level has been not bad but not zealous by any means, alcohol intake very moderate. I have not been into tobacco really at all (maybe 50 ciggies my entire life).
I guess my concern is due mainly to turning 40 and not liking the fact that I've been smoking pot for more years than not. I have slowed down a whole lot in the past year because of health concerns and because I've not been enjoying it as much as when I was younger. I noticed a couple of years ago that I would get a smoker's cough fairly rapidly upon picking up the pipe after a respite. During the last year the cough gets decidedly bronchial, but this may be due more to having relocated to an area that has many allergens in the air. Mold is also very bad in the area. The cough is phlegmy but goes away several days after cessation of smoking. When I exercise lightly, or mow the yard or what not I am not out of breath. When I do a fast sprint around the track I am gasping for air for several minutes. I do get wheezy when I am with pipe, but that goes away after cessation. What's really been bugging me lately is this constant urge to swallow, like I have something in my throat that I can't swallow. Some days, like today, are worse than others, and some days this is not a problem at all. This problem is more acute in the mornings and tends to dissipate by evening, and I've heard that allergens are most prolific from pre-dawn until late afternoon.
The mold count is high right now. Could this swallowing issue be due to mold in the air? I mean, I figure I have probably done some damage after all the smoke I've taken into my lungs and, though I'm not a hypochondriac, I do have a valid concern. The articles I've read on emphysema all state that shortness of breath is the key symptom.
Any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated.