Is it me or does the idea of handing out secretive "challenge coins" wreak of secret societies and cult-like activity?
Here's a link to an article that led me to the article about "challenge coins". If you read this article or scroll down, the phrase "challenge coins" is highlighted. That link is the actual link that explains them in detail, but if you read the link I'm posting here, you can get an idea of how they are used and how that could lead to "preferred hiring status" (that's my quote to explain why I'm concerned about this, not from the article) and other "Bush supporters only" special treatment for the holder of the coins. Careeeepy!
Here's the link to the article I read where I first heard about the coins: here's a direct link to the article that describes what the coins are in more detail: just think this is weird as hell to be honest. Maybe we should do our own secretive identifying medallion type campaign. In a way, we need it more than they do. Heck, we are targets to Bush supporters. I mean we might complain about them, but when it comes to violence and other forms of retalliation, the right wingers are the ones who use violence, i.e. guns, bombs, biological wargare. Maybe we should think about our own form of security against the terrorists AND the repugs...