24 Hour News 8 was contacted Thursday night by Grand Rapids police after Justice and Jim, DJ's from WKLQ's morning show in Grand Rapids, threatened to drown a dog. Residents jammed 911 phone lines at the Grand Rapids Police Department and flooded 24 Hour News 8 with emails and phone calls Thursday night.
According to a posting by Justice on the morning show's blog , the entire stunt was completely made up, done in an effort to draw attention to the danger of water related deaths to children.
Justice and Jim went to the extreme of never telling people, including 24 Hour News 8 when we asked them, that it was a stunt until after hundreds heard the sounds effects of the dog drowning over the airwaves Friday morning. They then told listeners it was fake.
Justice and Jim say they are sorry for causing the public panic. But they say they are not sorry for the stunt itself.
This thread in GD about the stunt made the Greatest Page.